What does „B-T-O“ mean for some dedicated server series?

20.05.2019 | von Susanne | views: 7.394

Some dedicated server series are displayed as so-called „BTO“ servers on the website, regarding availability.

What does „BTO“ actually mean for us or for our customers?

The abbreviation „BTO“ stands for „Build-To-Order“ and in our case means that the provisioning process of a dedicated server is slightly different compared to on stock „RTR“ servers. In brief, we only order the hardware from the supplier after you have ordered from us. In addition to a disadvantage, namely a slightly longer deployment time, the advantages such as e.g. Reduced inventory costs, more up-to-date hardware and lower prices for you as a customer.


And this is how the B-T-O process works for us in detail:

1. The customer orders his BTO server. Whether the server is a BTO server is usually recognized by the status of availability.

2. The (new) customer pays the server and thus authorizes his order. (Existing customers with SEPA direct debits or credits may be allowed to skip this step.)

3. EUserv checks the inventory and retrieves required server components from the supplier if necessary.

4. After the ordered hardware has been delivered and all components are complete, the actual deployment process starts.

5. All hardware components are assembled in our in-house workshop.

6. The fully assembled server is fully tested after its installation.

7. Once all tests have been completed successfully, the server will be installed, linked up and put into operation in the EUserv data center.

8. Subsequently, the accessibility and connections are tested and test installations are performed.

9. The correctly running server is now provided to the customer. With the provision full administration rights are assigned to the customer (root access), so that from this point, the user is responsible for everything happens on the server.


Because keeping or storing large quantities of such high-quality server components does currently not make economic sense, the „BTO“ principle offers a great solution for customers. Even though the „BTO“ devices are not immediately available as opposed to „RTR“ devices, all customers are assured that only selected and up-to-date hardware is installed and also benefit from a favorable price-performance ratio.

The first „BTO“ server series is the „Instant64 v5“ series equipped with Intel® Core i7-8700 „Coffee Lake“ processors:




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