Contribute your own ideas and suggestions

15.08.2019 | von Susanne | views: 3.017

Did you already discover our new module „Feature Voting“ at customer panel?

With this feature we invite our users to submit their wishes, ideas and suggestions, which features or functions we should develop or extend in the future. But also general suggestions for improvement can be communicated to us in this way.

To participate, please select the menu item „Feature Voting“ after logging in to the customer panel and click the „Suggest new feature“ button. After completing the short form, your proposal can be sent to us. If a suggestion is useful, realistic and practicable, it will be shared for voting to all other users with a customer panel account. With click on ‚Thumbs Up‘ for ‚I want it, too‘ or ‚Thumbs down‘ for ‚I don’t want it‘ any other customer can vote for or against your suggestion.

Depending on the voting result we start developing or programming to implement the mostly desired proposals as a module or as a service at customer panel.

So, contribute your ideas and suggestions or vote for existing proposals!

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